Opportunities for AI in Accessibility

Microsoft’s Accessibility Innovation Strategist discusses AI’s potential for accessibility, emphasizing the need for responsible use and diverse teams to mitigate harm and promote inclusion for people with disabilities.

A Content Model Is Not a Design System

These days, content models have to serve a variety of delivery channels, each more outlandish than the last. But why do many content models still look more like design systems rather than reflecting structured data? Mike Wills takes us on a personal journey as he examines his own past experiences and invites us to conceive content models that articulate meaning and group related content together for use on any channel.

Voice Content and Usability

In this excerpt from Voice Content and Usability, author Preston So talks about the messy, primordial nature of human speech and challenges with programming computers to deal with these complexities.

Immersive Content Strategy

Those immersive experiences are so hot right now, as new tools and frameworks help our designs and code transcend the web. But fresh tech doesn’t mean our content is ready for extended and mixed-reality prime time. Preston So shows us how to recast our fixed web content in more immersive ways—to create exciting new experiences and prepare our sites for an unpredictable future.

Do You Need to Localize Your Website?

Your website reaches the whole world. Which makes the whole world, potentially, your marketplace. But translating your content into other languages may not be enough. Putri Hapsari explains how to effectively use your site to gain new markets in different cultures.

Designing Inclusive Content Models

You may not realize it, but your site might be actively discouraging user engagement because your content models are shaped by bias. Daniel Carter and Carra Martinez are here to help you to understand this phenomena and the steps you can take to address it.

Navigating the Awkward: A Framework for Design Conversations

We’ve all been there: a client or coworker shows you something they’ve worked on for hours or weeks, and your brain screams because their idea sucks. Author Ksenia Cheinman shows how the right conversational framework can help you navigate these all-too-frequent design interactions.